2018-03-26 14:18 GMT+03:00 Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info>:

> That was probably my response to Nick:
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2018-March/049472.html
> I compared four possible choices:
>     target = default if (expression as name) is None else name
>     target = default if (name := expression) is None else name
>     target = default if (expression -> name) is None else name
>     target = default if (name <- expression) is None else name

Yes, most likely :)

> The two arrow assignment operators <- and -> are both taken from R.
I was also thinking about `<-` variant (but with a Haskell in mind), but
with the current Python rules, it seems that it does not fit:

>>> x = 10
>>> (x <- 5)

With kind regards,
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