2018-04-13 23:31 GMT+03:00 Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com>:

> >     # but these are subtly different and will be a trap for the unwary
> >     with expression as name:  # name is set to __enter__()
> >     with (expression as name):  # name is not set to __enter__()
> And that's a good reason to reject the last one with a SyntaxError,
> but that creates an odd discrepancy where something that makes perfect
> logical sense is rejected.
Maybe it does not suit you, but what do you think about `SyntaxWarning`
instead of `SyntaxError` for both `with` and `except`. By analogy how it
was done for `global name` into function body prior to Python 3.6?

With kind regards,
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