On Wed, Apr 18, 2018 at 11:24:13PM +0300, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:

> Isn't everyone expect that x*2 == x + x? Isn't this the definition of 
> multiplication?

I can't think of any counter-examples, but it wouldn't surprise me even 
a tiny bit to learn of some.

> And when we have a multiplication, it can be generalized 
> to division.

Not always. A counter-example is matrix multiplication, where 
multiplication is non-commutative:

    A*B ≠ B*A

and division is not defined at all. Instead, we multiply by the inverse 
matrix, in the appropriate order

    if A*B = C
    then A = C*inv(B)
    and  B = inv(A)*C

And of course, when you talk about data types that aren't numeric, 
division makes even less sense: string multiplication means repetition, 
but string division has no obvious meaning.

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