On Sun, May 13, 2018 at 4:30 PM Nick Malaguti <pyt...@fwdaddr.fastmail.fm>

> I think Peter tried to outline this earlier, but what he was laying out
> wasn't clear to me at first.
> There seem to be 4 variations when it comes to assignment expressions. I'm
> going to try to ignore exact keywords here since we can sort those out once
> we have settled on which variation we prefer.
> 1. infix: TARGET := EXPR
> 2. infix: EXPR as TARGET
> 3. prefix: let TARGET = EXPR in ANOTHER_EXPR
> 4. postfix: ANOTHER_EXPR given TARGET = EXPR
> Both 1 and 2 may appear in the context of a larger expression where TARGET
> may or may not be used:
> 1. 99 + (TARGET := EXPR) ** 2 + TARGET
> 2. 99 + (EXPR as TARGET) ** 2 + TARGET
> 3 and 4 require that TARGET appear in ANOTHER_EXPR, even if TARGET is the
> only thing contained in that expression, whereas with 1 and 2, TARGET need
> not be used again.
> Example I:
> 1. x := 10
> 2. 10 as x
> 3. let x = 10 in x
> 4. x given x = 10
> In the simple case where the goal of the assignment expression is to bind
> the EXPR to the TARGET so that TARGET can be used in a future statement, 1
> and 2 are clearly the most straightforward because they do not require
> # Please ignore that m.group(2) doesn't do anything useful here
> Example II:
> 1. if m := re.match(...): m.group(2)
> 2. if re.match(...) as m: res = m.group(2)
> 3. if let m = re.match(...) in m: m.group(2)
> 4. if m given m = re.match(...): m.group(2)
> I also think expressions that use "or" or "and" to make a compound
> expression benefit from the infix style, mostly because each sub-expression
> stands on its own and is only made longer with the repetition of TARGET:
> Example III:
> 1. if (diff := x - x_base) and (g := gcd(diff, n)) > 1: ...
> 2. if (x - x_base as diff) and (gcd(diff, n) as g) > 1: ...
> 3. if (let diff = x - x_base in diff) and (let g = gcd(diff, n) in g > 1):
> ...
> 4. if (diff given diff = x - x_base) and (g > 1 given g = gcd(diff, n)):
> ...
> In the more complex case where TARGET is reused in the expression, I find
> 3 and 4 to benefit as there is a separation of the binding from its usage.
> I can consider each expression separately and I don't have to deal with the
> assignment side effects at the same time. I believe this is what Neil is
> mostly arguing for.


> # Borrowing from Andre, please forgive any mathematical problems like
> division by 0
> Example IV:
> 1:  [(-b/(2*a) + (D := sqrt( (b/(2*a))**2 - c/a), -b/(2*a) - D)
>        for a in range(10)
>        for b in range(10)
>        for c in range(10)
>        if D >= 0]
> 2:  [(-b/(2*a) + (sqrt( (b/(2*a))**2 - c/a as D), -b/(2*a) - D)
>         for a in range(10)
>         for b in range(10)
>         for c in range(10)
>         if D >= 0]
> 3. [let D = sqrt( (b/(2*a))**2 - c/a) in
>        (-b/(2*a) + D, -b/(2*a) - D)
>        for a in range(10)
>        for b in range(10)
>        for c in range(10)
>        if D >= 0]
> 4. [(-b/(2*a) + D, -b/(2*a) - D)
>        for a in range(10)
>        for b in range(10)
>        for c in range(10)
>        if D >= 0
>        given D = sqrt( (b/(2*a))**2 - c/a)]
> Also in the case with multiple bindings I find that 3 and 4 benefit over 1
> and 2:
> Example V:
> 1. [(x := f(y := (z := f(i) ** 2) + 1)) for i in range(10)]
> 2. [(f((f(i) ** 2 as z) + 1 as y) as x) for i in range(10)]
> 3. [let x = f(y), y = z + 1, z = f(i) ** 2 in x for i in range(10)] #
> maybe the order of the let expressions should be reversed?
> 4. [x given x = f(y) given y = z + 1 given z = f(i) ** 2 for i in
> range(10)]
> No matter which variation we prefer, there are plenty of arguments to be
> made that multiple assignment expressions in a single expression or usage
> of the TARGET later in the expression is harder to work with in most
> cases,. And since 1 and 2 (at least to me) are more difficult to parse in
> those situations, I'm more likely to push back on whoever writes that code
> to do it another way or split it into multiple statements.
> I feel that Steven prefers 1, mostly for the reason that it makes Examples
> I, II, and III easier to write and easier to read. Neil prefers 4 because
> Examples I, II, and II still aren't that bad with 4, and are easier to work
> with in Examples IV and V.
> If you feel that Examples IV and V should be written differently in the
> first place, you probably prefer infix (1 or 2).
> If you feel that Examples IV and V are going to be written anyway and you
> want them to be as readable as possible, you probably prefer prefix (3) or
> postfix (4).
> If you want to know what all the TARGETs are assigned to up front, you
> probably prefer 1 or 3 (for reading from left to right).
> If you want to see how the TARGET is used in the larger expression up
> front and are willing to read to the end to find out if or where the TARGET
> has been defined, you probably prefer 4.
> In my mind, all 4 variations have merit. I think I prefer prefix or
> postfix (postfix feels very natural to me) because I believe more complex
> expressions should be separateable (Neil argues better than I can for this).
> But Steven has gone a long way to convince me that the sky won't fall if
> we choose an infix variation because in practice our better angels will
> push us away from using expressions that are too complex.
> Prefix vs postfix is a discussion worth having if we decide that infix
> isn't the right choice.
> I would love to see us reach consensus (too optimistic?) or at least an
> acknowledgment of the explicit tradeoffs for whichever variation we
> ultimately choose.

In my mind, your given clauses are upside-down.   The way I see it, code
like this:

for a in range(10):
    if a != 5:
        for b in range(10):
            for c in range(10):
                D = sqrt((b/(2*a))**2 - c/a)
                if D >= 0:
                    yield (-b/(2*a) + D, -b/(2*a) - D)

should be cast into a generator like this:

((-b/(2*a) + D, -b/(2*a) - D)
 for a in range(10)
 if a != 5
 for b in range(10)
 for c in range(10)
 given D = sqrt( (b/(2*a))**2 - c/a)
 if D >= 0)

Just leave everything in the order you wrote it except the yield statement
turns into a bare expression in front.

Regarding prefix versus postfix, we already do postfix binding using "for"
clauses and I want to be able to interleave given clauses with for clauses
as above to prevent a bracketing mess that prefix would require.

> --
> Nick
> ----- Original message -----
> From: Matt Arcidy <marc...@gmail.com>
> To: Brendan Barnwell <brenb...@brenbarn.net>
> Cc: "python-ideas" <python-ideas@python.org>
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Inline assignments using "given" clauses
> Date: Sun, 13 May 2018 11:53:20 -0700
> On Sun, May 13, 2018, 11:28 Brendan Barnwell <brenb...@brenbarn.net>
> wrote:
> > On 2018-05-13 04:23, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >  > In my experience mathematicians put the given *before* the statement:
> >  >
> >  >     Given a, b, c three sides of a triangle, then
> >  >
> >  >         Area = sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
> >  >
> >  >     where s = (a + b + c)/2 is the semi-perimeter of the triangle.
> >  >
> >  > For the record, that is almost exactly what I wrote for a student
> >  > earlier today, and its not just me, it is very similar to the wording
> >  > used on both Wolfram Mathworld and Wikipedia's pages on Heron's
> Formula.
> >  >
> >  > http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeronsFormula.html
> >  >
> >  > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heron%27s_formula
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > Putting "given" after the expression is backwards.
> >
> >          Yes, but that's because we're ruling out the use of "where".
> At this
> >  point I would be fine with "snicklefritz" as the keyword.  The point is
> >  that I want to put SOMETHING after the expression, and this is not at
> >  all unusual.  See for instance Wikipedia pages on the Reimann zeta
> >  function
> >  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riemann_zeta_function#Definition),
> >  gravitation equation
> >  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity#Newton%27s_theory_of_gravitation),
> and
> >  compound interest
> >  (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_interest#Mathematics_of_interest_rate_on_loans).
> >    If we have to use the word "given" even though the word
> mathematicians
> >  would use in that position is "where", that's not such a big deal.
> it is a big deal.  postfix requires more cognitive load, we will have no
> idea up front what's going on except for trivial exames.  more givens, more
> cognitive load.
> if you think spending that is fine for you, I can't argue, but to say it
> doesn't matter isn't correct.
> 2.exames which get far worse for complex cases.  left for the for can be
> as complex.as.you wish.
> 1:
> [ x + y for t in range(10)  ... ]
> 2:
> x = 10
> y = 20
> [ x + y for t in range(10) ...]
> up till you read ... you have no idea there even will be a substitution.
> The lower is even worse, you think you know, but then have to redo the
> whole problem with new information.
> also :
> mathematicians don't just put the _word_ "given", they put givens, things
> that are known or assumed to be true.  Axioms and definitions, where
> definitions assign names to values.  This is for formal arguements.
> reassigning values is handled in post fix occasionally once it is clear
> what x and y are.  but that's not what we are talking about if the name
> doesn't exist already.
> again, you want to use given, that's fine, but the math argument is wrong,
> as is the "it doesn't matter" argument, assuming the current neurological
> model for working memory continues to hold.
>  Maybe the difference is small, especially after familiarity sets in, but
> that doesn't mean the difference in load isn't there.  it will only
> increase for more complex statements with more givens.
> >
> > --
> >  Brendan Barnwell
> >  "Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is no
> >  path, and leave a trail."
> >      --author unknown
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