25.05.18 13:06, Jacco van Dorp пише:
I would like to carefully suggest a half form of the ternary expression.

Currently, you can write code like:

if cond:

However, especially if the condition and action are both really
simple, taking two lines feels like a bit of a waste. So I sometimes

if cond: do_something

However, this isn't PEP8 compliant, and every linter complains about
it. They'd be right if the condition and action were a bit more

I would very much like to write:

do_something if cond

and be done with it. Like a ternary expression but without the else clause.

This isn't PEP8 compliant either.

I suppose that if this syntax be accepted by the compiler, it will be explicitly disallowed by PEP8 for the same reason as "if cond: do_something".

It is easier to pass an option to linter that will silence this warning than introduce a new ambiguous syntax.

For example try to interpret "[a for b if c]" if "b if c" be a valid expression.

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