Let me put it this way:

   class A(object):
       def __init__(self, a_value, **kwargs):
           print("This is a value:", a_value)

Which parameters does  `A` take when being initialized?

Whenever you give any kwargs when directly instantiating `A` they will be 
passed down to super which in this case is `object`. And now to the follow-up 
question: Can you tell me which kwargs object takes as an input for it’s 
__init__? So does it EVER make ANY sense to specify them if you DIRECTLY create 
an instance of `A`?

But now let’s say your MRO is `SuperClass, A, B`, then A should better be able 
to forward the kwargs, so currently you need to directly hand them to `A` and 
rely on the fact that it passes them on to `B`. Why should `A` even get those 
kwargs in the first place? They could just be "passed around it" as soon as the 
interpreter sees that they are in the what currently would be **kwargs and 
later reunited with the arguments that the super().__init__ call has. Of course 
this can’t be done by default. So why not tell the interpreter with something 
like "@pass_through_kwargs" that it should do this for you?

[Chris Angelico]
> Does that make sense?
Well yes, of course it does. When instantiating a HawaiianPizza of course you 
want to set size and price. I don’t want to remove **kwargs and the current way 
of handeling this. But if you now add:
    class Lasagna:
        def __init__(self, *, number_of_layers=5):
            print("This Lasagna has %s layers", number_of_layers)

    class HaveYouEverTriedThis(Pizza, Lasagna):
        """Well, this is just bizarre"""

Now suddenly `Pizza` would have to accept kwargs. Why????????? It didn’t "learn 
anything new". It can’t do anything with them on it’s own. Shouldn’t you expect 
from a function that in the brackets you are shown what is possible to actually 
call this function on? You could never actually call Pizza with kwargs, so 1) 
Why should you be able to do so in the first place? and 2) Why show the 
programmer that you could?. Just to make the MRO work. And I would suggest that 
to handle this it would be a lot more elegant to say: "If you are in the middle 
of an MRO: just pass everything unexpected down“

[Steven D'Aprano]
> Considering that *I* made this example up, it is a bit rich for you to 
> tell me that "eggs" isn't used. Of course it is used, by one of the 
> superclasses. That's why it was provided.
Well, then your code should stay with the current version of accepting **kwargs 
and not do this. And of course you can only use one of **kwargs and this new 
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