A side comment:

> potential_updates = {
>     y: potential_update
>     for x in need_initialization_nodes
>     for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>     given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
>     if potential_update is not None}

Probably, I would write

def potential_updates():
    for x in need_initialization_nodes:
        for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]:
            potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
            if potential_update is not None:
                yield y, potential_update

If such pattern covered a lot of examples, even some syntax sugar could be
added. For example:

foo[0].potential_updates = dict(_) from:
    for x in need_initialization_nodes:
        for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]:
            potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
            if potential_update is not None:
                yield y, potential_update


<statement> from:

would be equivalent to

def _():
_ = _()

Best regards,
Adam Bartoš
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