Well, there need not be any ambiguity if you think of "B given A" as
"execute A before B", and remember that "given" has a lower precedence than
"for" (So [B given A for x in seq] is parsed as [(B given A) for x in seq]


>     retval = [expr(name) given name=something(x) for x in seq]


    retval = []
    for x in seq:
        name = something(x)


    retval = [expr(name, x) for x in seq given name=something]

    retval = []
    name = something
    for x in seq:
        retval.append(expr(name, x))

But this is probably not a great solution, as it forces you to mentally
unwrap comprehensions in a strange order and remember a non-obvious
precedence rule.

On the plus-side, it lets you initialize generators with in-loop updates
(which cannot as far as I see be done nicely with ":="):

    retval = [expr(name, x) given name=update(name, x) for x in seq given


    retval = []
    name = something
    for x in seq:
        name = update(name, x)
        retval.append(expr(name, x))

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Neil Girdhar <mistersh...@gmail.com>

> Yes, you're right. That's the ambiguity I mentioned in my last message.
> It's too bad because I want given for expressions and given for
> comprehensions. But if you have both, there's ambiguity and you would at
> least need parentheses:
> [(y given y=2*x) for x in range(3)]
> That might be fine.
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:34 AM Peter O'Connor <peter.ed.ocon...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> * Sorry, message sent too early:
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar <mistersh...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>     [expression given name=something for x in seq]
>>> retval = []
>>> name = something
>>> for x in seq:
>>>     retval.append(expression)
>>> return retval
>> That's a little confusing then, because, given the way given is used
>> outside of comprehensions, you would expect
>>     [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
>> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Peter O'Connor <
>> peter.ed.ocon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar <mistersh...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>>     [expression given name=something for x in seq]
>>>> retval = []
>>>> name = something
>>>> for x in seq:
>>>>     retval.append(expression)
>>>> return retval
>>> That's a little strange confusing then, because, given the way given is
>>> used outside of comprehensions, you would expect
>>> for x in range(3):
>>> y given y=2*x
>>>     [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
>>> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
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