As all the string in python are immutable, is impossible to overwrite the
value or to make a "secure disposal" (overwrite-then-free) of a string
using something like:

>>> a = "something to hide"
>>> a =  "x"*len(a)

This will lead on the process memory "something to hide" and "x" repeated
len(a) times.

- Who cares? Why is this relevant?
  Well if you handle some sensitive information like CC numbers, Passwords,
PINs, or other kind of information you wanna minimize the chance of leaking
any of it.

- How this "leak" can happen?
  If you get a core/memory dump of an app handling sensitive information
you will get all the information on that core exposed!

- Well, so what we can do about this?
  I propose to make the required changes on the string objects to add an
option to overwrite the underlying buffer. To do so:

  * Add a wiped as an attribute that is read-only to be set when the string
is overwrited.
  * Add a wipe() method that overwrite the internal string buffer.

So this will work like this:

>>> pwd =getpass.getpass('Set your password:') # could be other sensitive
>>> encrypted_pwd = crypt.crypt(pwd)  # crypt() just as example.
>>> pwd.wiped  # Check if pwd was wiped.
>>> pwd.wipe()  # Overwrite the underlying buffer
>>> pwd.wiped  # Check if pwd was wiped.
>>> print(pwd)  # Print noise (or empty str?)
>>> del pwd  # Now is in hands of the GC.

The wipe method immediately overwrite the underlying string buffer, setting
wiped as True for reference so if the string is further used this can be
checked to confirm that the change was made by a wipe and not by another
procedure. Also initially the idea is to use unicode NULL datapoint to
overwrite the string, but this could be change to let the user parametrize
it over wipe() method.
An alternative to this is to add a new exception "WipedError" that could be
throw where the string is accessed again, but I found this method too
disruptive to implement for a normal/standard string workflow usage.

Quick & Dirty FAQ:

- You do it wrong!, the correct code to do that in a secure way is:
>>> pwd = crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass('Set your password'))
Don't you know that fool?

  Well no, the code still generate a temporary string in memory to pass to
crypt. But now this string is lying there and can't be accessed for an
overwrite with wipe()

- Why not create a new type like in C# or Java?

  I see that this tend to disrupt the usual workflow of string usage. Also
the idea here is not to offer secure storage of string in memory because
there is already a few mechanism to achieve with the current Python base. I
just want to have the hability to overwrite the buffer.

- Why don't use one of the standard algorithms to overwrite like DoD5220 or

  This kind of standard usually are oriented for usage on persistent
storage, specially on magnetic media for where the data could be "easily"
recoverd. But this could ve an option that could be implemented adding the
option to plug a function that do the overwrite work inside the wipe method.

- This is far beyond of the almost implementation-agnostic definition of
the python lang. How about to you make a module with this functionality and
left the lang as is?

  Well I already do it:

  But i hit a lot of problems in the road, I was working on me free time
over the last year on this and make it "almost" work, but that is not
relevant to the proposal.
  I think that this kind of security things needs to be tackled from within
the language itself specially when the lang have GC. I firmly believe that
the security and protections needs to be part of the "with batteries" offer
of Python. And I think that this is one little thing that could help a lot
to secure our apps.
  Let me know what do you think!

~ Ezequiel (Ezekiel) Brizuela [ aka Qlixed ] ~
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