On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 10:02 AM, Eric Fahlgren <ericfahlg...@gmail.com>

> On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 6:52 AM Michael Hall <python-id...@michaelhall.tech>
> wrote:
>> While I am aware of projects like Cython and mypy, it seems to make sense
>> for CPython to allow optional enforcement of type hints, with compiler
>> optimizations related to it to be used. While this would not receive the
>> same level of performance benefits as using ctypes directly, there do
>> appear to be various gains available here.
> ​Just to make sure I understand:  In other words, they would no longer be
> "hints" but "guarantees".  This would allow an optimizer pass much greater
> latitude in code generation, somehow or other.​
> For purposes of illustration (this is not a proposal, just for
> clarification):
> @guaranteed_types
> def my_sqrt(x:c_double) -> c_double:
>     ...
> would tell the compiler that it's now possible to replace the general
> PyObject marshalling of this function with a pure-C one that only accepts
> doubles and woe be unto those who use it otherwise.
Yes, Though this would likely require introducing new grammar of some sort
to have it treated by the compiler as a guarantee, rather than a hint.
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