On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 5:56 PM, Thomas Jollans <t...@tjol.eu> wrote:
> On 20/07/18 05:10, Al Sweigart wrote:
>> Sorry, I meant "pip list", rather than "pip info".
>> I thought about the fact that "pip --version" provides this info, but 1)
>> it provides the location of pip, not the python interpreter it installs
>> packages for and 2) it would be an additional step for the
>> question-asker to go through after posting the output of "pip install".
> If the extra line of output was something like
> This is $(pip --version)
> that would be more consistent, and provide enough information.

Yes, that's what I was saying. It would remove the extra step, at the
price of one line of spam every 'pip install'. Is that worth it? Not
sure, but at least it's not a whole lot of complexity.

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