On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 11:22 PM, Grégory Lielens
<gregory.liel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The ?? operator is probably the less scary one regarding legibility, and in 
> guessing (or remembering) what it exactly does...
> Well, at least I think I understand what it does exactly, but if I'm not 
> wrong there, what it does is also quite simple and minimal.
> A function returning it's first non-None argument (or None, if all args are 
> None) will provide the same functionality, with not much typing. You have 
> parenthesis for the call, but you will probably need them anyway to group 
> things, for correcting precedence, or helping the reader to parse your 
> expression even if precedence was right.
> You have an extra call, so ?? may be more efficient...maybe.
> Is that a reason enough, together with a few letters saved typing, to 
> introduce ?? ? Not for me...

You forget that the operator will *short-circuit*. It will not
evaluate the second argument if the first argument is None. You cannot
do this with a function, other than with a hack like a lambda

THAT is reason enough for an operator.

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