22.07.18 22:03, Todd пише:
For basic slices, the normal "slice(start, stop, step)" syntax works well.  But it becomes much more verbose to create more complicated slices that you want to re-use for multiple multidimensional data structures, like numpy, pandas, xarray, etc.

One idea I had was to allow creating slices by using indexing on the slice class.  So for example:

     x = slice[5:1:-1, 10:20:2, 5:end]

Would be equivalent to:

     x = (slice(5, 1, -1), slice(10, 20, 2), slice(5, None))

Note that this wouldn't be done on a slice instance, it would be done on the slice class.  The basic idea is that it would simply return whatever is given to __getitem__.

See https://bugs.python.org/issue24379 .

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