On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 11:26 AM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> * Library solution works with all versions of Python
> * The need for unbox is a little ugly, but arguably less so than ?.
> (conceded that's a subjective view)
> * Mixing ?. and . is terser than unboxing and reboxing - but are there
> any real examples where that's needed?
> * Having the default at the beginning rather than at the end doesn't
> follow natural reading order (but again that's pretty subjective)

On the last point, it would be easy enough to change the API to make it
`NoneAware(obj).a.b.c.unbox(sentinel)` if that was thought a better API
than `NoneAware(obj, sentinel).a.b.c.unbox()`.

Oh... and the production code should DEFINITELY spell 'sentinel' correctly
if that's a part of the API. :-)

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