On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 7:40 AM, Abe Dillon <abedil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jumping into functions that mutate variables in the calling scope sounds a
> lot like "GoTo" which is notorious for leading to code that's very hard to
> reason about. Your functions would implicitly require that you assign
> variables in the calling scope before calling the function instead of
> explicitly requiring them in the function's signature. That can be very
> confusing.

Drop the word "function" and it's no longer about a goto - it's about
a block of code that can be deposited into another context. If you
were to copy and paste that code, its meaning would be defined by
where it is used; the idea of a "code block" is that you can do that
with something that can be passed around like a function, but isn't a

We could borrow a term from the Python grammar and call it a "suite",
perhaps, but "code block" is probably the best term. As mentioned,
there have been previous proposals along these lines.

By the way:

> It's difficult to see what you're after from your Verb and Morpheme example.

You're responding to MY post, which is a response to Jacob's. Please
watch your use of pronouns; it would help a lot if you weren't top
posting, and were directly responding to specific people's specific

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