Jonathan Fine wrote:

My message of support for Ivan quoted the Eiffel docs.

During development and testing, assertion monitoring should
be turned on at the highest possible level. Combined with
static typing and the immediate feedback of compilation techniques
[...] this permits the development process  [...]
where errors are exterminated at birth.

I think you're misinterpreting the Eiffel docs here. It's saying
that contracts *together* with static typing help to catch a lot
of errors early in the development process. It's not saying that
contracts are verified statically, or that all the errors thus
caught are caught at compile time.

the context to me makes it clear
that in Eiffel static typing IS NOT regarded as a run-time assertion.

That's true, but static typing and contracts are *different things*
in Eiffel. Static types are checked at compile time, contracts
are checked at run time.

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