+1 to everything James said.

This otherwise pointless mail is further evidence he’s right. 

On 20 Sep 2018, at 17:08, James Lu <jam...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> It's absence is a big advantage. We're not a social network with
>> "likes". We don't need a bunch of argumentless "voting".
> Up/ down voting indicates how much consensus we have among the entire 
> community- an expert might agree with another expert’s arguments but not have 
> anything else to add, and an outsider might agree with the scenario an expert 
> presents without having much more to add. Granular up/down votes are useful.
>> Believe it or not, I like the fact that you can't just edit posts.  I've 
>> lost count of the number of forum threads I've been on where comments to 
>> the initial post make *no sense* because that initial post is nothing 
>> like it was to start with.
> There is version history. Not all of us have the time to read through every 
> single post beforehand to get the current state of discussion. 
> Hmm, what if we used GitHub as a discussion forum? You’d make a pull request 
> with an informal proposal to a repository. Then people can comment on lines 
> in the diff and reply to each other there. The OP can update their branch to 
> change their proposal- expired/stale comments on old diffs are automatically 
> hidden.
> You can also create a competing proposal by forming from the OP’s branch and 
> sending a new PR.
>> Just editing your post and expecting people to notice 
>> is not going to cut it. 
> You would ping someone after editing the post.
>> Approximately none of this has anything to do with the medium.  If the 
>> mailing list is obscure (and personally I don't think it is), it just 
>> needs better advertising.  A poorly advertised forum is equally 
>> undiscoverable.
> It does have to do with the medium. First, people aren’t used to mailing 
> lists- but that’s not what’s important here. If the PSF advertised for people 
> to sign up over say twitter, then we’d get even more email. More +1 and more 
> -1. Most of us don’t want more mailing list volume. 
> The fact that you can’t easily find an overview people will post arguments 
> that have already been made if they don’t have the extreme patience to read 
> all that has been said before.
> For the rest of your comments, I advise you to read the earlier discussion 
> that other people had in response to my email.
>> That message was rather bad in my not so humble opinion -- it was
>> just "I want my +1 button" without any argument. Your message is much
>> better as it have arguments. See, the absence of the button work!
>>  We're proposing and *discussing* things here not "likes" each other.
>> Write your arguments or be silent.
> Please respond to the actual arguments in both of the two emails that have 
> arguments in support of +1/-1.
> +1/-1 reflects which usage scenarios people find valuable, since Python 
> features sometimes do benefit one group at the detriment to another. Or use 
> syntax/behavior for one thing that could be used for another thing, and some 
> programming styles of python use cases would prefer one kind of that 
> syntax/behavior.
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