29.09.18 21:38, Steve Barnes пише:
On 29/09/2018 09:56, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
29.09.18 11:43, Steve Barnes пише:
On 29/09/2018 08:50, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
Python is dynamically typed language. What is such processing that would
work with iNaN, but doesn't work with float('nan')?

One simplistic example would be print(int(float('nan'))) (gives a
ValueError) while print(int(iNaN)) should give 'nan' or maybe 'inan'.

Why do you convert to int when you need a string representation? Just
I converted to int because I needed a whole number, this was intended to
represent some more complex process where a value is converted to a
whole number down in the depths of the processing.

float('nan') is a number (in Python sense). No need to convert it.

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