David Mertz writes:

 > However, what I care about more than that is my editor.  It would be really
 > nice if my editor provided something like "vertical folding" for things
 > like this. I do not know of any editors that do that, but it would be easy
 > to imagine.  E.g. I might have an editor display:
 >     url = f'{URL_BASE}&arg1={row["column_*(..93 chars..)*rg17=123456'
 > Does anyone know of editors that do that sort of thing? Obviously,
 > you'd need some way to fold/unfold the hidden text.  But for many
 > purposes, the first and last few characters probably convey the
 > purpose of the line.

You may not like my answer: Emacs does several kinds of hiding text.
They're not exactly what you ask for, of course, but the tools are
definitely there.

The only automatic hiding features I use are truncate-lines mode,
which as you might guess hides the tail of the line by default, but
also scrolls only that line if point moves into the hidden tail (as
many browsers do in their address bars), and outline mode, which has a
couple of ways to tweak display (hide non-heading text, hide
subheadings, do either locally or globally).  I don't know who
maintains python-mode, but they might be interested in your suggestion
if you're interested in an Emacs feature.

Whoever maintains python-mode is exceptionally open to wacky (ie,
contra GNUish orthodoxy) ideas, I must say.  It's the only mode I use
where RET is bound to newline-and-indent instead of newline, for

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