Dear python enthusiasts,

Writing python decorators is indeed quite a tideous process, in particular when 
you wish to add arguments, and in particular in two cases : all optional 
arguments, and one mandatory argument. Indeed in these two cases there is a 
need to disambiguate between no-parenthesis and with-parenthesis usage.

After having struggled with this pattern for two years in various open source 
and industrial projects, I ended up writing a library to hopefully solve this 
once and for all: . It is 
extensively tested (203 tests) against many combinations of signature/calls.
I would gladly appreciate any feedback !

Please note that there is a "PEP proposal draft" in the project page because I 
belive that the best a library can do will always be a poor workaround, where 
the interpreter or stdlib could really fix it properly. 
Sorry for not providing too much implementation details in that page, my 
knowledge of the python interpreter is unfortunately quite limited.


Finally there is an additional topic around decorators : people tend to believe 
that decorators and function wrappers are the same, which is absolutely not the 
case. I used the famous `decorator` lib in many projects but I was not 
satisfied because it was solving both issues at the same time, maintaining the 
confusion. I therefore proposed . In 
particular it provides an equivalent of `@functools.wraps` that is truly 
signature-preserving (based on the same recipe than `decorator`).
Once again, any feedback would be gladly appreciated ! 

Kind regards


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Python-ideas <> De la 
part de Greg Ewing
Envoyé : vendredi 26 octobre 2018 00:04
À : python-ideas <>
Objet : Re: [Python-ideas] Problems (and solutions?) in writing decorators

[External email: Use caution with links and attachments]


Jonathan Fine wrote:
> I also find writing decorators a bit
> hard. It seems to be something I have to learn anew each time I do it.
> Particularly for the pattern
> @deco(arg1, arg2) def fn(arg3, arg4):
 >     # function body
> Perhaps doing something with partial might help here. Anyone here 
> interested in exploring this?

I can't think of a way that partial would help. But would you find it easier if 
you could do something like this?

     class deco(Decorator):

         def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
             self.arg1 = arg1
             self.arg2 = arg2

         def invoke(self, func, arg3, arg4):
             # function body


     class Decorator:

         def __call__(self, func):
             self._wrapped_function = func
             return self._wrapper

         def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwds):
             return self.invoke(self._wrapped_function, *args, **kwds)

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