Good idea, +1 from me.

On Sun, May 19, 2019, 3:17 AM Yonatan Zunger <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to bounce this proposal off everyone and see if it's worth
> formulating as a PEP. I haven't found any prior discussion of it, but as we
> all know, searches can easily miss things, so if this is old hat please LMK.
> *Summary: *The construction
> with expr1 as var1, expr2 as var2, ...:
>     body
> fails (with an AttributeError) unless each expression returns a value
> satisfying the context manager protocol. Instead, we should permit any
> expression to be used. If a value does not expose an __enter__ method, it
> should behave as though its __enter__ method is return self; if it does
> not have an __exit__ method, it should behave as though that method is return
> False.
> *Rationale: *The with statement has proven to be a valued extension to
> Python. In addition to providing improved readability for block scoping, it
> has strongly encouraged the use of scoped cleanups for objects which
> require them, such as files and mutices, in the process eliminating a lot
> of annoying bugs. I would argue that at present, whenever dealing with an
> object which requires such cleanup at a known time, with should be the
> default way of doing it, and *not* doing so is the sort of thing one
> should be explaining in a code comment. However, the current syntax makes a
> few common patterns harder to implement than they should be.
> For example, this is a good pattern:
> with functionReturningFile(...) as input:
>    doSomething(input)
> There are many cases where an Optional[file] makes sense as a parameter,
> as well; for example, an optional debug output stream, or an input source
> which may either be a file (if provided) or some non-file source (by
> default). Likewise, there are many cases where a function may naturally
> return an Optional[file], e.g. "open the file if the user has provided the
> filename." However, the following is *not* valid Python:
> with functionReturningOptionalFile(...) as input:
>    doSomething(input)
> To handle this case, one has a few options. One may only use the 'with' in
> the known safe cases:
> inputFile = functionReturningOptionalFile(...)
> if inputFile:
>     with inputFile as input:
>         doSomething(input)
> else:
>     doSomething(None)
> (NB that this requires factoring the with statement body into its own
> function, which may separately reduce readability and/or introduce
> overhead); one may dispense with the 'with' clause and do it in the
> pre-PEP343 way:
> try:
>     input = functionReturningOptionalFile(...)
>     doSomething(input)
> finally:
>     if input:
>         input.close()
> (This sacrifices all the benefits of the with statement, and requires the
> caller to explicitly call the cleanup methods, increasing error-proneness);
> or one may construct an explicit 'dev-null' class and return it instead of
> the file:
> class DevNullFile(object):
>     .... implement the entire File API, including a context manager ...
> (This can only be described as god-awful, especially for complex API's
> like files)
> One obvious option would be to allow None to act as a context manager as
> well. We might contrast this with PEP 336
> <>, "Make None Callable." This
> was rejected (rightly, I think) because "it is considered a feature that
> None raises an error if called." For example, it means that if a function
> variable has been nulled, attempting to call it later raises an error, as
> this usually indicates a code mistake. In the case where that is not
> correct, it is easy to assign a noop lambda to the function variable
> instead of None, thus allowing the error-checking and the
> function-deactivating behaviors to both persist, and in a clear and easily
> understandable way.
> In this case, OTOH, the AttributeError raised if None is passed to a with
> statement has significantly lower value. As the example above illustrates,
> there are many cases where None is an entirely legitimate value to want to
> pass, and unlike in the other situation, there is no equally easy way to
> pass it. Furthermore, if the passing of None *is* an error in some case,
> it is more useful to see that error at the site where the variable is
> actually used in the with statement body -- the thing for which it does not
> make sense to use None -- rather than at a structural declaration which
> essentially defines a variable scope.
> This is also the reason why such a change would impact relatively little
> existing code: code already has to be structured to prevent this from
> happening. If the assigned expression in the with statement could only
> return None as a result of a code bug, and a piece of existing code is
> relying on the with statement to catch it, it would instead fall through
> and be caught by their own body code, presumably giving a more coherent
> error anyway. This is a nonzero change in behavior, but it's well within
> the scope of behavior changes which normally occur from version to version.
> One alternative to this proposal would be to have only None allowed to act
> as a context manager. However, None is not particularly special in this
> regard; the logic above applies to any function which might return a Union
> type. Furthermore, allowing it for any type would permit the following
> construction as well:
> with var1 as expr1, var2 as expr2, ...
>     .... body ...
> where the common factor between the variables is no longer their need for
> a guaranteed cleanup operation, but simply that they are semantically all
> tied to a single scope of the code. This improves code clarity, as it
> allows the syntax to follow the intent more closely, and also eliminates
> one other ugliness. In present Python, the required syntax for the above
> would be
> var1 = expr1
> var3 = expr3
> with var2 as expr2, var4 as expr4:
>     ... body ...
> where the variables in the 'with' statement are those which satisfy the
> context manager protocol, and the ones above it are those which do not
> satisfy the protocol. The split between the two is entirely tied to a
> nonlocal fact about the code, namely the implementation of the return
> values of each of the expressions, making it nonobvious which is which.
> Worse, if the expressions depend on each other in sequence, this may have
> to be broken up into
> var1 = expr1
> with var2 as expr2:
>     var3 = expr3(var1, var2)
>     with var4 as expr4(var3, ...):
>         .... body ...
> This seems to lose on every measure of clarity and maintainability
> relative to the single compound 'with' statement above.
> Finally, one may ask if an (effective) default implementation of a
> protocol is ever a good idea. "Hidden defaults" are a great way to trigger
> surprising behavior, after all. However, in this case I would argue that
> the proposed default behavior is sufficiently obvious that there is no
> risk. Someone seeing a compound 'with' statement of the above form would
> naturally assume that its consequence is (a) to set each varN to the
> corresponding exprN, and (b) to execute any scope-initializers tied to
> exprN. Likewise, someone would naturally assume that nothing at all happens
> at scope exit, which is exactly the behavior of __exit__ being 'return
> False'. In fact, this *increases* local code clarity, since the
> counter-case -- where the implementation of each defaults (effectively) to
> raising an AttributeError -- is nonobvious and so requires that "nonlocal
> knowledge" of the code to assemble with statements.
> *Specific implementation proposal: *Actually defining __enter__ and
> __exit__ methods for each object would be a lot of overhead for no good
> value. Instead, we can easily implement this as a change to the specified
> behavior of the 'with' statement, simply by changing the error-handling
> behavior in the SETUP_WITH
> <>
> <>
> cases in ceval.c. If this does proceed to the PEP stage, I'll put together
> a changelist, but it's very straightforward. Null values for enter and exit
> are no longer errors; if enter is null, then instead of decrementing the
> refcount of mgr and calling enter, we leave the mgr refcount alone and push
> it onto the stack in place of the result. If exit is null, we simply push
> it onto the stack just like we would normally, and ignore it in
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