On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 4:49 AM Ricky Teachey <ri...@teachey.org> wrote:
> Can I offer an alternative suggestion?
> How about these arrow operators, which despite being 3 characters, look 
> pretty nice, and are not currently valid python:
> a <== b <== c
> a ==> b ==> c
> Perhaps __larrow__ and __rarrow__ for the dunders.
> And they would not be the only 3 character operators in python:
> //=, **=, >>=, <<=

I wouldn't mind one more char to type ... as long as it looks good.
My preference order is: = (almost impossible), := (taken already ...),
<-/<= (conflicts existing code and breaks bad coding styles).
Looks like in the short term there is not really many choice left. I
like it, definitely better than signal.next ... and still looks like
verilog <= assignment.

Is this (<== and ==>) something can be made into CPython?
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