On Wed, May 29, 2019 at 10:22:31PM +0100, Barry wrote:

> Serhiy, I think, is conflating two things.
> 1. How to write software robust aginst attack.
> 2. How to replace a symlink atomically.

I don't have an opinion on whether Serhiy is right or wrong.

> The only reason 1 is a problem is that the application is not in 
> control of its file space which I would suggest means you already 
> lost.
> I think the OP wants a soution to 2, 

In the bug report Tom linked to initially:


he clearly references an attacker overwriting the file, rather than an 
accidental overwrite. So I think #1 is relevant -- except that Serhiy 
makes a good point that atomicity doesn't solve #1.

I admit to a preference for atomic file operations where possible. 
Atomic operations are generally better, because they either succeed or 
fail, they don't half succeed and leave detritus lying around that you 
have to clean up. That's a good thing.

No offense intended to Serhiy... I don't know why the concept is so 
controversial. I feel that had a core dev just gone ahead and 
implemented this behaviour either in shutils or os.symlink, nobody would 
have objected and asked for it to be removed. Its only because Tom has 
to (a) ask permission and (b) discuss the design first that are we 
having the debate.

Making things atomic may not be a solution to every problem, but nor is 
it harmful and something we want to avoid. I can understand Serhiy 
saying "I don't care to implement this myself, and I won't review the 
PR, let somebody else do it" but I'm not sure why he is objecting to a 
volunteer willing to do the job.

But since Serhiy has objected, Tom has to respond to those objections. 
Serhiy is one of the most productive and most respected of the core 
devs, and right or wrong he cannot be ignored.

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