14.07.19 07:06, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas пише:
(Re-sending, because this was originally a reply to an off-list message by Nima Hamidi)

On Jul 13, 2019, at 14:12, Nima Hamidi <ham...@stanford.edu <mailto:ham...@stanford.edu>> wrote:

Sometimes it's necessary not to evaluate the expression. Two such applications of NSE in R are as follows:

1. Data-tables have cleaner syntax. For example, letting dt be a data-table with a column called price, one can retrieve items cheaper than $1 using the following: dt [price < 1]. Pandas syntax requires something like dt[dt.price < 1]. This is currently inevitable as the expression is evaluated *before* __getitem__ is invoked. Using NSE, dt.__getitem__ can, first, add its columns to locals() dictionary and then evaluate the expression in the new context.

This one looks good. I can also imagine it being useful for SQLAlchemy, appscript, etc. just as it is for Pandas.

But in your proposal, wouldn’t this have to be written as dt[`price < 1`]? I think the cost of putting the expression in ticks is at least as bad as the cost of naming the dt.

Also: dt.price < 1 is a perfectly valid expression, with a useful value. You can store it in a temporary variable to avoid repeating it, or stash it for later, or print it out to see what’s happening. But price < 1 on its own is a NameError, and I’m not sure what `price < 1` is worth on its own. Would this invite code that’s hard to refactor and even harder to debug?

The more interesting problem is that in general case you have not simple `price < 1`, but `price < x` where x is a variable or more complex expression. price should be evaluated at the callee context while x should be evaluated at the caller context. And how Python can know what is what?
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