> In the future, before making suggestions for new features, you should do
some research into what is already possible, and whether it has already
been suggested before

I did some but couldn't find anything apart using unicode in strings. I
didn't mention in this mail but I used to in my first try but actually sent
it to python-ideas-owners by mistake.
I didn't know about the term "identifier", thanks for this.

> I doubt that. Variable names should be meanigful, not "smiley face" or
We could argue that having a happy smiley or sad one is more meaningful in
if statements. I don't agree with this but it doesn't feel bad to me either.
For emojis, it just makes the code more colorful and a bit more friendly in
some cases. And I feel like having fun and beautiful looking code is a
sufficient argument by itself. But I get why you don't agree and that's why
I submitted the idea :)

> For many people, support for many non-ASCII identifiers is poor. They
will see a series of boxes, something like this
If we add this in Python 3.9+ imo, people are up to date and would use a
proper editors. I know the community is conservative but moving the lines
is possible too.

> Unicode allows us to play games like this
We can already do this is already (
https://github.com/satwikkansal/wtfpython#-skipping-lines) so it's not a
problem to me. It is a problem but not related to unicode.

Thanks for the feedback
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