On Jul 15, 2019, at 05:25, Anders Hovmöller <bo...@killingar.net> wrote:
>>>> (The fact that they’re positional, but passed as if they were keyword, 
>>>> accepted as if they were keyword, and then pulled out by iterating **kw in 
>>>> order is also confusing.)
>>> What is positional?
>> The name-value pairs are positional. If the keyword names aren’t being used 
>> to match the values to parameter names, or to distinguish the values in any 
>> other way, but instead to smuggle in arbitrary extra string values, how else 
>> can you handle them but by position? Consider a concrete example, your 
>> plot(=lambda x:x*2, =lambda x:x**2). How could plot process that?
> It's a syntax error. Just like normal keyword arguments:
>>>> def f(**kwargs): print(kwargs)
> ... 
>>>> f(a=1, a=2)
>  File "<string>", line 1
> SyntaxError: keyword argument repeated

Why would two similar but different lambdas (doubling vs. squaring) with 
similar but different string forms (one * vs two) give a syntax error?

I didn’t come up with the plot example, so I don’t know the reason it took two 
functions. But let’s say they represent functions for the y and z values 
respectively for each x, or the real and imaginary parts of a function on 
complex x, or the theta and phi values for each r, or two independent functions 
f and g that we want to plot the area between, or whatever.

So, how does plot know which argument is y and which is a? It can’t be by the 
names, because the names are stringified lambda expressions. The only thing it 
can do is treat the first name-value pair in kwargs as y, and the second we z. 
In other words, it has to treat them as if they were positional arguments.

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