On 7/26/2019 6:05 PM, Kyle Stanley wrote:
Andrew Barnert wrote:
consume(print(item) for item in lst)

 From my understanding, consume() effectively provides the functionality the
author was looking for. Also, between the options of `for _ in iter:` vs
`colllections.deque(it, maxlen=0)`, how significant is the performance 

I had assumed that the performance of `for _ in iter` would be significantly
better, since due to the overhead cost of creating and filling a double ended 
which provides optimization for insertion at the beginning and end. Wouldn't a 
directional iterator provide better performance and have a lower memory cost if
there is no modification required?

I haven't run any numbers. But moving a loop from Python code to C code is almost always a win. That's what's happening here. And I think the idea is a that deque with 0 members doesn't have much overhead.

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