I wonder if Nathaniel has something to add? Trio has a different approayto
cancellation. Of course it is also an entirely new library...

On Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 9:51 PM <aurelien.lambert...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh only now it appears in the list ! I thought the post hadn't working, so
> I posted again :/.
> I've fixed my "library" (
> https://github.com/aure-olli/aiokafka/blob/3acb88d6ece4502a78e230b234f47b90b9d30fd5/syncio.py),
> and the `wrapped_consumer2` function. Now no double await, so no risk of
> afterward cancellation.
>     stop_future = asyncio.Future()
>     async def wrapped_consumer2():
>         task = asyncio.ensure_future(consume_data())
>         try:
>             await asyncio.wait([task, stop_future])
>         finally:
>             task.cancel()
>         if not task.cancelled():
>             return task.result()
>         else:
>             raise RuntimeError('stopped')
> Or
>     import syncio
>     async def wrapped_consumer():
>         task = syncio.ensure_sync_future(consume_data())
>         return await task
>     stop_future = asyncio.Future()
>     async def wrapped_consumer2():
>         task = syncio.ensure_sync_future(consume_data())
>         try:
>             await syncio.sync_wait([task, stop_future])
>         finally:
>             task.cancel()
>         if not task.cancelled():
>             return task.result()
>         else:
>             raise RuntimeError('stopped')
> My only concern is that consistent cancellation state is currently almost
> impossible with futures and tasks. The only two possibilities are either to
> ignore cancellation (highly counter intuitive to use), or to directly
> manipulate the coroutine as a generator (basically rewriting asyncio).
> Could be another library for sure, but the current state of asyncio makes
> it really hard to reuse it. So it would mean copy-pasting the whole library
> while changing few lines here and there.
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