On Jul 31, 2019, at 06:28, Agustín Scaramuzza <agustinscaramu...@gmail.com> 
> Ouch! That's what happens when you don't proof read your emails :S
> Replace --verbose with --print_operation, the idea of the snippet was to show 
> an example for keyword parameters.

OK, so how does the magic code know that print_operation is a flag that takes 
no arguments?

Especially if I type this:

    python run.py —print_operation 1 2

With argparse, getopt, click, etc., this works because I’ve specified that it’s 
a zero-argument flag; if I hadn’t, it would be equivalent to 
—print_operation=1, with 2 as the first positional arg. Does the default value 
of False somehow imply that? (Also, with any of those libraries, I could call 
it the more normal —print-operation. And the help would be generated 
automatically instead of making me keep the docstring and the code in sync and 
quite possibly get it wrong. And so on.

It would help if you designed a library to do this, so you could show how it 
works (and why it’s better than, e.g., fire to write the same program). The bit 
about running __run__ automagically is the easy part:

    import sys
    main = sys.modules['__main__']
    run = getattr(main,  '__run__')
    args, kw = sys.argv[1:], {}
    run(*args, **kw)

… which you can then use in a script by adding one line:

    def __run__(a, b=1):
        print(int(a) + int(b))

    import my_run_lib

Or you could rely on the function being installed as a setuptools entrypoint 
script and not even need the magic part.

The hard part is designing and building the parse function that replaces that 
args, kw = line. You can use argparse to do the parsing, you can access 
inspect.signature(run) to build up the parser, etc., so there’s no magic at all 
needed there. Even with your idea about using annotations to “cast” things, the 
“magic” part is trivial—you can get the annotation values trivially from the 
signature or the function itself, and they’re going to be the builtin or global 
type or function values without you having to do anything. It’s deciding what 
to do with them that’s hard.

And then of course you need to show why the result easier/better/whatever than 
things like fire, click, etc.

Then the only question is why the implicit dispatch call is better than an 
explicit dispatcher call like fire’s and/or installing the function as a 
setuptools entrypoint script. If people are sold on that, they can probably be 
sold on making it slightly more magical by having Python always import this 
module at the end of __main__ (or do the equivalent). And then you’ve got your 
case for why it has to come with Python (because otherwise it requires some 
horrible monkeypatching, or hacking up __site__ with an import hook at install 
time or something). But if nobody is sold on it without that last bit of magic, 
I don’t think it’s nearly enough to make the idea compelling on its own.

Also, if you have a design for a simplified semi-magical arg parser that 
actually is easier to use than fire and usable in more cases, even if you can’t 
get it accepted into Python, that seems like something you should write anyway 
and put on PyPI (maybe even with instructions or even a script for hacking 
__site__ or writing a user startup file to make it automatic), because I think 
a sizable number of people would want that. (In fact, even if you can get it 
accepted into Python, some people will want a backport that they can use with 
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