
For your last example you have the __contains__ special methods.

Le dim. 13 oct. 2019 à 15:18, Steve Jorgensen <ste...@stevej.name> a écrit :

> Note that I'm new to this system, so I'm not sure if this will format
> correctly or whether I'll be able to edit it afterward to format it
> properly if not. Fingers crossed.
> Examples:
>     import re
>     from collections import Sequence
>     # Equivalent of re.compile(r'b.d').search(<str>)
>     re.compile(r'b.d') in 'abcdef'  # -> <_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(1,
> 4), match='bcd'>
>     re.compile(r'b.d') in 'xyz'  # -> None
>     # Equivalent of isinstance([1, 2], Sequence)
>     [1, 2] in Sequence  # -> True
>     class BrightColorsMeta(type):
>         def __rin__(self, other):
>             other.startswith('bright ')
>     class BrightColors(metaclass=BrightColorsMeta): pass
>     'red' in BrightColors  # -> False
>     'bright blue' in BrightColors  # -> True
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