On 2019-10-17 18:02, Victor Stinner wrote:

I propose the following PEP to add
sys.set_python_compat_version(version) to introduce a partial
compatibility with Python 3.8 in the next Python 3.9 version.

I also propose this PEP in a pull request:
(Please avoid using the temporary PEP number until this PR is merged:
officially, the PEP has no number yet.)

If possible, please try to read the whole PEP before replying. I would
prefer to avoid knee-jerk reactions :-) The backward compatibility is
complex topic where things are not black or white: it's more a

IMHO with the incoming end of Python 2 support, it's the right time to
propose this PEP!

I read the PEP, but I find it a bit difficult to understand what it's actually proposing.

It seems like you are proposing that there be this function set_python_compat_version which will effectively act as a global flag affecting various functionality in the standard library, namely by making it work as it did in a past version of Python. Is that the basic idea?

My main point of confusion is that I don't see an explicit list of what functionality will be supported by this flag. In the abstract it says "Modify a few functions of the standard library to implement a partial compatibility". What precisely are those functions? Because of this omission, I can't tell if this PEP is actually proposing a specific set of accommodations to backwards compatibility, or just proposing a mechanism for handling such accommodations.

If the PEP is proposing that existing stdlib functions be modified to actually check the compatibility version and give different behavior accordingly, I think there needs to be an exhaustive list of which functions those will be and what exactly the flag will do.

If it's just proposing a mechanism, without necessarily proposing that any actual changes be made to use that mechanism, okay, but I'm somewhat skeptical that that will get much traction,

Actually I'm somewhat skeptical it'll get much traction anyway. The overall issue seems to be more a human issue of governance and priorities. The problem is, even supposing this mechanism is in place, who is going to enforce it to ensure that any time a backwards-incompatible change is made, it is accompanied by work to make the changes "undoable" via this "compat version" mechanism? Having a function called set_python_compat_version is no good unless, going forward, every backwards-incompatible change is blockable this way, because otherwise someone who relies on old behavior that isn't "compatibilized" will still be unable to upgrade in the same way you describe in your rationale.

In other words, it doesn't matter if we have set_python_compat_version, what matters is how fully it actually covers the backwards compatible changes. It seems like enforcing a policy of "every backwards compatible change must be compatabilizable in this way" is more a matter for the dev team's internal guidelines (akin to "you must provide unit tests") than for a PEP.

        The part that confuses me the most is this:

"Backward compatibility code will be dropped at each Python release, on a case by case basis. Each compatibility function can be supported for a different number of Python releases depending on its maintenance cost and the estimated risk (number of broken projects) if it's removed."

Isn't that sort of already what deprecation schedules and the like are supposed to accomplish? It seems like this paragraph totally undercuts the whole point of the proposal. Right now maybe we have a situation where if I'm on Python 4.8 and the newest version is 4.9, I could be bitten by backwards incompatibility. With this change, I could be on Python 4.8 and maybe the newest is 4.12 and I'm hanging on by setting compat mode. But if the specific old features I haven't yet phased out are the ones dropped from compat mode in 4.13, then the whole mechanism is useless to me. So it just delays the incompatibility barrier a few versions, which is what deprecation schedules are already supposed to do. If backwards compatibility is itself going to be backwards-incompatibly removed, how is it better to use this system than to just give every breaking change a deprecation schedule that will phase it out over the same amount of time?

I'm leaving aside some of the even hairier corner cases, such as the situation mentioned in the PEP where behavior could depend on import order because the behavior of compatibilized functions may change on the fly if multiple calls to set_compat_version occur. That sounds like a recipe for disaster, and suggests to me that the whole issue is better handled with some kind of external declarative system (akin to pip or conda dependency tracking) rather than a Python-internal system which is subject to the vagaries of execution order.

As I said, I may be misunderstanding the PEP, but either way I think it could benefit from some editing, because the way it is structured right now is (to me) quite confusing. It just starts off by saying it will "add sys.set_python_compat_version(version) to enable partial compatibility" and then claims it will "modify a few functions of the standard library" to implement this, but I can't see anywhere that it says what those functions are, and because of that I'm no longer even sure what it means by "enable partial incompatibility". I think the "specification" section needs to be a lot more, well, specific.

Also, just as a minor point, I don't think it is a good idea to name the function "set_python_compat_version" if it's not actually setting the version --- which it isn't because according to the PEP the actual compat version will be set to the minimum of any versions passed if this function is called multiple times. That's not what "setting" the version means to me; if I set something to 2 and then I set it to 3, I expect its value to then be 3, but with this it would still be 2. A better choice would be a name like "require_compatibility_with", which is more compatible (har har) with the idea that multiple calls coalesce into their minimum. Likewise set_python_min_compat_version might be better as "prohibit_compatibility_with" or something.

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path, and leave a trail."
   --author unknown
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