On Nov 3, 2019, at 15:38, Soni L. <fakedme...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> > Or, C#'s throw is allowed in certain specific contexts (lambda bodies and 
>> > conditional expressions) without being a general expression. 
>> Just like, e.g., yield_expr is allowed in assignment statements without 
>> being a general expression, and generator_expr is allowed in a call with one 
>> arg without being a general expression. Obviously neither of those makes 
>> sense for raise (not that it would be ambiguous there, just that it would 
>> nearly always be completely useless), but maybe there are places that are, 
>> maybe including the same ones as in C#.
> counter-argument: foo = raise NIY

What is that a counter-argument to? The fact that it would nearly always be 
completely useless to assign a raise?

I don’t know what NIY means here, but why couldn’t you write this as `raise 
NIY`? Obviously nothing is getting assigned to `foo`.

If this is part of some rare but occasionally useful idiom where you’re, say, 
forcing `foo` to be a local rather than a global by assigning to it, then I 
think having to write it as `foo = (raise NIY)` seems reasonable.

At any rate, as I said, if it turns out that there are useful places to allow a 
bare raise expression, and those places aren’t human- or parser-ambiguous, it’s 
easy to add them later. If people are writing `foo = (raise NIY)` and finding 
that the parens are often more confusing or intrusive than they are helpful, 
they’ll complain, and the next version of Python will change assignment 
statements to handle raise_expr just like they handle yield_expr. (Or, if 
someone can make that case even without waiting for experience, it’ll come up 
while bikeshedding a raise_expr PEP and can be added even in the initial 

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