Many fields develop their own specific short-hand notation and vocabulary 
for communicating the complex yet recurring ideas within that field easily. 
In many cases, this is a modification of an existing language or, in some 
cases, many different languages.

This idea is a bit half-baked, but what if we could define a meta language 
that allows people to describe how to alter Python into some 
domain-specific language. Code written in the meta-language would be called 
a "domain specification" and it would describe new reserved-words and 
syntax for that DSL. It might even release some reserved words from 

This might provide an interesting way to try new syntax proposals. I don't 
know how something written in a DSL would interoperate with regular Python, 
they may have to use separate interpreters and pass messages between the 
two. I also don't know how you would link a script to a domain 
specification. Maybe this idea is less than half-baked. 1/4th baked?

That way someone could write a version of Python where the assignment 
operator is "→" or "->" or "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻".
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