From: Andrew Barnert <>
Sent: 28 December 2019 20:21
To: Steve Barnes <>
Cc: Christopher Barker <>;; python-ideas 
Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Re: Testing for NANs [was Re: Fix 

On Dec 28, 2019, at 00:03, Steve Barnes 
<<>> wrote:

Personally I still like the fundamental:

def is_nan(num):
    “”” Test for NaN “””
    return num != num

So simple!

This is only fundamental for types where all and only NaN values are not 
self-equal. Is that guaranteed to be true for all number-like types? Would a 
type that had numbers that weren’t self-equal, or non-numbers that were 
self-equal, be so different that you wouldn’t want to count it as a number-like 
type? What about values where the self-equal test raises (as it does for 
Decimal with sNaN—and I don’t think you want a function named is_nan to raise 
when passed a NaN value)? Or where it returns something that isn’t a Boolean 
(as with arrays—for that matter, is a != a guaranteed to be the same array as 

So this isn’t really a general test, it’s a test for int, float, and Decimal 
but only if you ignore sNaN, and probably some number-like types, and probably 
not some other number-like types. If you need a general nan test that works for 
any type, I think you have to do something like the opt-in method call idea.

Also, what’s the goal here? If we’re trying to detect all incomparable pairs of 
values by checking if either one is NaN, that only works for float and Decimal 
in the first place. It’s not even true for complex, much less all possible 
number-like types. Of course lots of statistics makes no sense with complex, 
but if the only reason we want a general is_nan is for statistics, then it only 
has to be as general as the rest of the module, which explicitly says it 
doesn’t support arbitrary number types, only a small set of them. So we just 
need an isnan for that set of types, not a fully general one.

How about something along the lines of:
def isnan(num):
     """ Attempt at generic NaN check """
     if hasattr(num, "is_nan"):  # Does it have its own method?
         return num.is_nan()
         return num != num
Then decimal would work nicely as would any potential types that are not 
self-equal would just need to define their own method albeit with a prescribed 
name. Of course it will return false for non-numeric types such as strings.

Steve Barnes
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