On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 07:59:26PM -0500, Richard Damon wrote:

> Which is EXACTLY the reason I say that if this is important enough to 
> fix in median, it is important enough to fix in sorted. sorted gives 
> exactly the same nonsense result, it is only a bit more obvious because 
> it gives all the points. Is [3, nan, 1, 2, 4] a sorted list?



>From one perspective, the very concept of a linear smallest to biggest 
order is incoherent when you have a partial order (a little like asking 
which is the strongest out of Rock, Paper, Scissors[1]:

    Rock beats Scissors
    Scissors beats Paper
    Paper beats Rock

so there is no linear arrangement of [Paper, Scissors, Rock] that 
satisfies the order. Any linear arrangement is "not sorted" by that 

But another perspective is that, yes, it is sorted:

    Paper is beaten by Scissors, so it goes before Scissors;
    Scissors is beaten by Rock, so it goes before Rock

and the ordering relations are satisfied. In your example:

    3 is no bigger than NAN, so it goes before NAN;
    NAN is no bigger than 1, so it goes before 1;
    1 is no bigger than 2, so it goes before 2
    2 is no bigger than 4, so it goes before 4;

giving the order [3, NAN, 1, 2, 3] and all the ordering relations are 
satisfied. (Just don't ask about *other* ordering relations.)

[1] "Good ol' Rock always wins."

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