> On Dec 31, 2019, at 05:50, iman.h.a.kha...@gmail.com wrote:
> if foo or bar or baz in foobar:
>   pass
> if foo and bar and baz in foobar:
>   pass
> maybe for "is" instead of:
> if foobar is foo or foobar is bar or foobar is baz:
>   pass
> if foobar is foo or bar or baz:
>   pass
> now the recommended syntax translate to this: (I think so)
> if foo (IS NOT '0' or None or empty) or bar (IS NOT '0' or None or empty) or 
> baz in foobar

I’m not sure what this translation is supposed to mean, since that isn’t valid 
Python syntax or meaningful English, but it does seem like you’re trying to say 
something that’s pretty close to what’s right.

   foo or bar or baz in foobar

… is roughly …

   foo if foo else (bar if bar else (baz in foobar))

And that “if foo” is true for most types unless foo is False, None, an empty 
collection, or a numeric zero (but not the string '0'; that’s perfectly truthy).

While this seems silly with meaningless names, the exact same syntax is often 

   if already_found or child.find(key) or key in known_bad_keys:

Surely this has to mean that we’re checking whether a flag is true, or a find 
function finds something, or a key is a known bad key, not whether any of the 
flag, the value found by the function, or the key are known bad keys.

And that’s exactly why this syntax is ambiguous not just to the parser, but to 
humans. In most cases the existing meaning makes sense. In some cases, your 
meaning makes sense. If there’s any overlap between the two sets of cases, both 
make sense, so it’s ambiguous.

Even if you can find a way to reliably disambiguate, that’s still an extra 
concept that the reader has to think through to understand your code. At which 
point, even if it’s fewer characters than using a set operator where it makes 
sense, or a generator expression inside any otherwise, it’s still not more 

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