We have importlib. We have importlib.resources. We can import modules. We cannot (yet) import resources using the same-ish module import machinery.

It would be nice if we could.

I'm thinking of something like:

from foo.bar import resources "foo.txt" as foo, "bar.txt" as bar # string imports from foo.bar import bresources "foo.txt" as bfoo, "bar.txt" as bbar  # bytes imports

or maybe:

foo = f"{from foo.bar import 'foo.txt'}"  # string imports
bbar = fb"{from foo.bar import 'bar.txt'}"  # bytes imports

altho I have a bit of a preference for the latter.

I feel like these would be nice, and useful for packaging default configs, templates, and whatnot:

def unpack_defaults():
  open("templates/index.html", "w").write(f"{from ganarchy.templates import 'index.html'}")   open("templates/project.html", "w").write(f"{from ganarchy.templates import 'project.html'}")   open("templates/config.toml", "w").write(f"{from ganarchy.templates import 'config.toml'}")

You'd just do this, effortlessly, no need to mess with importlib, it would just work and it'd be easy to teach ppl and get them to use it.
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