> FWIW, I agree with Andrew here.  Being able to swap a
> ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor with a serial version using
> the same API can have benefits in various situations. One is
> easier debugging (in case the problem you have to debug isn't a race
> condition, of course :-)).  Another is writing a library a command-line
> tool or library where the final decision of whether to parallelize
> execution (e.g. through a command-line option for a CLI tool) is up
> to the user, not the library developer.

After Andrew explained his own use case for it with isolating bugs to
ensure that the issue wasn't occurring as a result of parallelism, threads,
processes, etc; I certainly can see how it would be useful. I could also
see a use case in a CLI tool for a conveniently similar parallel and
non-parallel version, although I'd likely prefer just having an entirely
separate implementation. Particularly if the parallel version includes
diving a large, computationally intensive task into many sub-tasks (more
common for PPE), that seems like it could result in significant additional
unneeded overhead for the non-parallel version.

I think at this point, it's potential usefulness is clear though. But, IMO,
the main question is now the following: would it be better *initially*
placed in the standard library or on PyPI (which could eventually
transition into stdlib if it sees widespread usage)?

> It seems there are two possible design decisions for a serial executor:
> - one is to execute the task immediately on `submit()`
> - another is to execute the task lazily on `result()`

To me, it seems like the latter would be more useful for debugging
purposes, since that would be more similar to how the submitted
task/function would actually be executed. ``submit()`` could potentially
"fake" the process of scheduling the execution of the function, but without
directly executing it; perhaps with something like this:
``executor.submit()`` => create a pending item => add pending item to dict
=> add callable to call queue => fut.result() => check if in pending items
=> get from top of call queue  => run work item => pop from pending items
=> set result/exception => return result (skip last three if fut is not
in/associated with a pending item). IMO, that would be similar enough to
the general workflow followed in the executors without any of the

On Sun, Feb 16, 2020 at 6:29 AM Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Feb 2020 14:16:39 -0800
> Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas
> <python-ideas@python.org> wrote:
> > > On Feb 15, 2020, at 13:36, Jonathan Crall <erote...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > Also, there is no duck-typed class that behaves like an executor, but
> does its processing in serial. Often times a develop will want to run a
> task in parallel, but depending on the environment they may want to disable
> threading or process execution. To address this I use a utility called a
> `SerialExecutor` which shares an API with
> ThreadPoolExecutor/ProcessPoolExecutor but executes processes sequentially
> in the same python thread:
> >
> > This makes sense. I think most futures-and-executors frameworks in other
> languages have a serial/synchronous/immediate/blocking executor just like
> this. (And the ones that don’t, it’s usually because they have a different
> way to specify the same functionality—e.g., in C++, you only use executors
> via the std::async function, and you can just pass a launch option instead
> of an executor to run synchronously.)
> FWIW, I agree with Andrew here.  Being able to swap a
> ThreadPoolExecutor or ProcessPoolExecutor with a serial version using
> the same API can have benefits in various situations.  One is
> easier debugging (in case the problem you have to debug isn't a race
> condition, of course :-)).  Another is writing a library a command-line
> tool or library where the final decision of whether to parallelize
> execution (e.g. through a command-line option for a CLI tool) is up
> to the user, not the library developer.
> It seems there are two possible design decisions for a serial executor:
> - one is to execute the task immediately on `submit()`
> - another is to execute the task lazily on `result()`
> This could for example be controlled by a constructor argument to
> SerialExecutor.
> Regards
> Antoine.
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