> On Feb 17, 2020, at 05:21, Soni L. <fakedme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> missing items raise, rather than being None. as such I feel like None-aware 
> operators would encourage ppl to put None everywhere, which from what I can 
> tell, goes completely against Python's data model.

I don’t think this is entirely true. None is part of Python’s data model, and 
the sort of duality between None returns and exceptions is already baked in 
everywhere (even in dict.__getitem__ vs. dict.get). None-aware operators 
wouldn’t be creating a new problem, it would be feeding into the existing data 
model. The problem is that the data model is theoretically implausible, but 
practically works pretty nicely because care has been put into what’s 
exceptional and what’s just missing, and that’s a fragile balance that a new 
feature can throw off. And maybe throwing that balance off is part of why 
people couldn’t make None-aware operators feel right as part of Python—but 
exception-aware operators have the same risk. (And there’s no obvious way to do 
both that feels consistent.)

> however, exception-aware operators could be a potential alternative that:
> 1. works with existing code (no need to go shoving None everywhere)
> 2. works in lambdas
> 3. ends up being more useful?
> I don't know what the potential syntax would look like.

There is something to this idea, but coming up with a good syntax is hard.

You often want to handle just one exception, not all—e.g., in your example, you 
want a LookupError to be captured and turned into a value, but not a TypeError. 
But other times you might want to actually swallow everything. Some relevant 
solutions and problems came up in the discussions around try-except expressions.

You can’t always chain exception-defaulting the same way you can chain None. 
The alternate result for every None-chaining operator is None, and at each step 
on the chain you’re testing for None again; the alternate result for 
exception-chaining operators would be whatever you specify, but the next step 
is testing for an exception, not your default value, or any other value.

There’s also all the issues with None-aware expressions, many of which would 
also apply here.

Also, consider None-aware assignment. If a missing value is missing because 
it’s None, it’s obvious what to do. If it’s missing because your earlier 
assignment failed, it’s often not just a single thing that’s missing—e.g., a 
ValueError from unpacking is probably more common than an IndexError from 
assigning into a list. And, worse, you can’t tell that it failed later—the name 
might have an old value lying around, or it might be a NameError or 
UnboundLocalError, but even if you know which of those to check for, you don’t 
know that it came from a failed assignment instead of, say, from an assignment 
that only happens on an if branch that wasn’t taken. With None, you know the 
value None is in the name because you can just look it up and get None back.

And there may be other problems. Maybe they’re solvable, but I think you need 
to work through a complete proposal, with all of the edge cases explored, and 
multiple realistic examples, before you can really convince yourself (or anyone 
else) they’re solved.

While you’re at it: I considered this idea a few months ago when I was looking 
for a way to do the equivalent of Swift “if let” and similar features from 
other languages with the walrus operator: do one thing if unpacking an Iterable 
succeeds, do a different thing if it raises a ValueError. Swift uses this in 
some places other languages would use nil-chaining by just if-letting an 
assignment from a Spam-or-nil variable to a Spam variable (which raises on 
nil), as well as for unpacking cases. I couldn’t get either to fit usefully 
into Python (at least not with an expression rather than a statement), but it 
feels like something useful should be doable here, I just couldn’t find it. 
(Although it still wouldn’t allow me to chain up multiple if let/elif let/etc. 
as I was hoping to do for pattern matching, a single if-let expression or 
statement seems like it should be useful for other things anyway.)

Anyway, if you’re willing to read over all the threads on None-chaining and 
try-except expressions and try to put something together that answers all of 
the anticipated problems and has good uses, I think that could be worth doing. 
You might get stuck and end up having wasted your time, but you might come up 
with a great new feature.
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