
On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 11:46 Alex Hall <alex.moj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Christopher Barker wrote:
> > I think it’s a “Bad Idea” to use an environment variable — who knows what
> > Python script may be running on a given system?
> > But a standard command line argument to the interpreter could be useful.
> Can you clarify what the concern is about other Python scripts running?
> Why doesn't that apply to [all the other special PYTHON* environment
> variables](
> https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#environment-variables), such
> Command line arguments only work if you're invoking the `python` command
> directly. If you're running something above that like a bash script or a
> package entrypoint it's more complicated. And configuring environment
> variables is sometimes easier than changing a command or editing a script,
> like when you're configuring a service hosted in the cloud (personally I'm
> thinking of AWS ECS).
> I say do the same thing as so many other options and offer both a command
> line argument and an environment variable. I don't think many people will
> be setting the environment variable in their global shell profiles. When I
> want to set PYTHONPATH I usually write:
>     PYTHONPATH=/some/path python script.py
> which has no chance to affect anything else.
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