On 07Mar2020 15:31, Alex Hall <alex.moj...@gmail.com> wrote:
I've defined functions like this in my own utility library and I use them
all the time, so I think they're very useful and would like to seem them
built in. But I have two functions for each end:

def strip_optional_suffix(string, suffix):
   >>> strip_optional_suffix('abcdef', 'def')
   >>> strip_optional_suffix('abcdef', '123')
   if string.endswith(suffix):
       return string[:-len(suffix)]
   return string

My utility library has them too, like this:

   def cutprefix(s, prefix):
     ''' Strip a `prefix` from the front of `s`.
         Return the suffix if `.startswith(prefix)`, else `s`.


             >>> abc_def = 'abc.def'
             >>> cutprefix(abc_def, 'abc.')
             >>> cutprefix(abc_def, 'zzz.')
             >>> cutprefix(abc_def, '.zzz') is abc_def
     if prefix and s.startswith(prefix):
       return s[len(prefix):]
     return s

   def cutsuffix(s, suffix):
     ''' Strip a `suffix` from the end of `s`.
         Return the prefix if `.endswith(suffix)`, else `s`.


             >>> abc_def = 'abc.def'
             >>> cutsuffix(abc_def, '.def')
             >>> cutsuffix(abc_def, '.zzz')
             >>> cutsuffix(abc_def, '.zzz') is abc_def
     if suffix and s.endswith(suffix):
       return s[:-len(suffix)]
     return s

Like yours, they return the original object if unchanged. I think yours misbehaved if given an empty suffix, which mine special cases out:

   >>> 'abc'[:-0]

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>
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