I ran into a problem which, according to a google search is not that
    concurrent.futures ThreadPoolExecutor, installs an exit handler
preventing program exit if any of the jobs it is running is blocked. (Which
might be a surprising behaviour to someone using those).

It is possible to workaround this problem by either unregistering the exit
handler concurrent.futures.thread._python_exit or by subclassing the
threadpoolExecutor and overriding the _adjust_thread_count method with one
that does not register its threads queues.

Both seems kinda ugly though.
It would seems reasonable to have a separate _daemon_thread_queues dict (in
contrast to _threads_queues) that would not get joined upon exit.
A "daemon" (or any better name) parameter of ThreadPoolExecutor
initialisation would allow to let it add its workers in this dict rather
than the default one.

Does this seems feasible ?

Thanks !
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