On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 at 19:35, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't understand your point.

Yes, Andrew Barnert already explained me that :)

> The broad idea of "del x" returning a value isn't inherently
> ridiculous

The point is Eric Wieser does not really want this. What he want is
something similar to the numpy patch he linked:

that is an automatic delete of temporary, large objects. For example:

z = a + b + c + d

will create a temporary (a+b) object and a temporary (a + b) + c
object. With that patch, if a, b, c and d are all ndarrays, the
temporary objects are discard as soon as they are no more referenced,
instead of at the end of the statement.

He thought that the change of `del` he proposed will give him that
behavior, but this is not true. And I don't think it's very much
simple to implement this feature for __all__ Python objects. Maybe for
immutable ones, but it should be done one by one, I suppose, since
there's not an "immutable iterface".
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