On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 12:45:42AM +0100, Oleg Broytman wrote:

> > Won't that create a virtual environment using Python3 on Windows and 
> > using Python2 most other places, which is exactly the problem Fred is 
> > having?
> Depends on how literally one reads ``python -m venv``.

I read it as what you wrote, should I have read it as something else?

Fred is explicitly asking about the problem with having to sometimes use 
python and sometimes python3, and your answer is to tell him to 
sometimes use python and sometimes use python3?

> Python virtualenv is a development tool but not a distribution or
> a deployment tool.

Fred is discussing the problems he is having with distribution and 
deployment, not development. His issue is that "python" means different 
things on different machines and different users.

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