> Perhaps you could use try/finally:
>     try:
>         prepare()
>         do_something_sensitive()
>     finally:
>         cleanup()

Well I actually would like to run the else block in case an exception did

Let me provide an example from my use case which is the management of a
database transaction:

    with savepoint(transaction_manager):
        # Let's try to add into the database with some constraints.
        obj = db.add(data)
        # Object already in database.
        obj = db.get(data)

With the following context manager:

    class savepoint(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._sp = None

        def __enter__(self, tm):
            self._sp = tm.savepoint()

        def __exit__(self, exc_ty, exc_val, tb):
            if exc_ty is not None and issubclass(ecx_ty, IntegrityError):
                # We have an exception, execute else block.
                return False

            # All good, we commit our transaction.
            return True

I find it quite a pretty, try and fail back way that I can easily replicate
in my code without having to prepare and clean up each time with a

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