On Fri, Apr 03, 2020 at 08:00:38AM +1100, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> But I can tell you that this will 99.999999% be rejected. And if it is 
> accepted, I can tell you that the first time you get hit by a massive 
> wall of text from a package docstring in an exception or some other use 
> of repr(), you will likely regret the change.

For what it's worth, I just looked at a few of my private packages, half 
of them have got docstrings that are > a page long, and one has a three
page docstring. Perhaps it's time for me to extract some of that into an 
external file...

Personally, I might make and use a display hood to show the first line 
of a module docstring. That might be useful, I'm willing to try it for a 
few weeks and see if I like it. But I definitely don't want the entire 
docstring displayed, and I even more don't want it in the module repr().

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