Would you generate a schema from the type annotations so that other
languages can use the data?

JSON is really not the most efficient data representation for
round-tripping to and from Python. A binary format (or pickle without
arbitrary code execution) would solve for Python object > file > Python

IMHO, JSON is most useful when the data needs to be read/written from
(browser-side) JS, too.

And then you need data validation for user-supplied input (which is not
distinct from the deserialization problem). E.g. DRF has data validation.
But (mypy) type annotations are insufficient for data validation: compare
JSONschema and the maximum amount of information storable in
mypy-compatible type annotations, for example.

Data validation needs to return errors in a feedback loop with the user, so
it's sort of more than just the preconditions that need to be satisfied
before a function proceeds.

- serialization from Python (TA useful)
- deserialization with the same Python code (TA useful)

- deserialization with other Python code (insufficient)
- deserialization with other languages (insufficient)
- form generation (insufficient)
- data validation (insufficient)
- preconditions (insufficient)

So, IMHO type annotations are not insufficient and thus redundant and not

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020, 11:45 AM Tin Tvrtković <tinches...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As the author of one of these third-party libraries, I feel like I can
> contribute to this discussion. It can indeed be done very elegantly with
> type annotations, and it should for sure be left to the ecosystem.
> The only things we need from core Python are good tools for dealing with
> run-time type information. For example, singledispatch doesn't really work
> with types (i.e. Optionals, Unions, Sequences as opposed to actual
> classes), but all of that can be worked around.
> In my experience, runtime type information is extremely useful exactly in
> cases of deserialization, and for big projects starts being useful much
> before the type information starts being useful in a static analysis
> context.
>> From: Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>
>> Subject: [Python-ideas] Re: Improvement: __json__
>> To: python-ideas@python.org
>> Message-ID: <e70016ba-5419-e252-d7bd-9705dbebf...@canterbury.ac.nz>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>> On 7/04/20 4:57 am, Wes Turner wrote:
>> > Python object > JSON  > object requires type information to be
>> serialized.
>> Not necessarily -- Java's json library uses reflection on compile
>> time type information to deserialise json into an object hierarchy.
>> You tell it the class corresponding to the top level and it figures
>> out the rest.
>> Something similar could be done in Python using type annotations.
>> --
>> Greg
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