On Wed, 8 Apr 2020 09:53:41 -0700
Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
> Look at the following code.
> def foo(a, b):
>     x = a + b
>     if not x:
>         return None
>     sleep(1)  # A calculation that does not use x
>     return a*b
> This code DECREFs x when the frame is exited (at the return statement). But
> (assuming) we can clearly see that x is not needed during the sleep
> (representing a big calculation), we could insert a "del x" statement
> before the sleep.
> I think our compiler is smart enough to find out *some* cases where it
> could safely insert such del instructions. And this would potentially save
> some memory. (For example, in the above example, if a and b are large
> lists, x would be an even larger list, and its memory could be freed
> earlier.)
> For sure, we could manually insert del statements in code where it matters
> to us. But if the compiler could do it in all code, regardless of whether
> it matters to us or not, it would probably catch some useful places where
> we wouldn't even have thought of this idea, and we might see a modest
> memory saving for most programs.
> Can anyone tear this idea apart?

The problem is if variable `x` has a side-effect destructor.  It's
certainly not a common idiom to keep a resource alive simply by keeping
a Python object around (you should probably use `with` instead), but I'm
sure some people do it.

FWIW, Numba does something similar to try and release memory earlier.
But Numba certainly doesn't claim to support general-purpose Python
code :-)



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