In trying to do this (again), I've realized that you *can't* just check for
hasattr(obj, '__json__') in a JSONEncoder.default method because default
only get's called for types it doesn't know how to serialize; so if you
e.g. subclass a dict, default() never gets called for the dict subclass. :
> If specified, default should be a function that gets called for objects
that can’t otherwise be serialized.
specifies how to overload _make_iterencode *in pure Python*, but AFAICS
that NOPs use of the C-optimized json encoder.

The python json module originally came from simplejson.

Here's simplejson's for_json implementation in pure Python:

    for_json = _for_json and getattr(value, 'for_json', None)
    if for_json and callable(for_json):
        chunks = _iterencode(for_json(), _current_indent_level)

And simplejson's for_json implementation in C:

Is there a strong reason that the method would need to be called __json__
instead of 'for_json'?

Passing a spec=None kwarg through to the __json__()/for_json() method would
not be compatible with simplejson's existing implementation.
Passing a spec=None kwarg would be necessary to support different JSON
standards within the same method; which I think is desirable because

On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 5:03 PM Wes Turner <> wrote:

> I think that we should support the linked data use case with at least:
> 1. a __json__(obj, spec=None) method and
> 2. a more-easily modifiable make_iterencode/iterencode implementation in
> the json module of the standard library.
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2020 at 5:00 PM Andrew Barnert <> wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 2020, at 12:55, Wes Turner <> wrote:
>> >
>> > We should welcome efforts to support linked data in Python.
>> Fine, but that’s doesn’t meant we should derail every proposal that has
>> anything to do with JSON by turning it into a proposal for linked data, or
>> consider a useful proposal to be useless because it doesn’t give us linked
>> data support on top of whatever it was intended to give us.
>> > No one cares whether you believe that "semantic web failed" or "those
>> standards are useless":
>> But no one is saying either of those things. People are saying that the
>> semantic web is irrelevant to this discussion. JSON is useful, JSON Schema
>> is useful, improving Python to make working with ad hoc or Schema-specified
>> JSON is useful, and that’s all equally true whether the semantic web is the
>> one true future or a total failure.
>> Would a __json__ method protocol improve Python? I don’t think so, but
>> the reasons I don’t think so have nothing to do with LD. Other people do
>> think so, and their reasons also have nothing to do with LD. And the same
>> is true for most of the counter- and side-ideas that have come up in this
>> thread and the last one.
>> > re: generating JSON schema from type annotations
>> >
>> > You can go from python:Str to jsonschema:format:string easily enough,
>> > but, again, going from python:str to jsonschema:format:email will
>> require either extending the type annotation syntax or modifying a
>> generated schema stub and then changes to which will then need to be ported
>> back to the type annotations.
>> Sure, but who says you have to store email addresses as str?
>>     @dataclass
>>     class Person:
>>         name: str
>>         email: Email
>>         address: Address
>> The fact that str is a builtin type, Address is a dataclass with a bunch
>> of builtin-typed attributes, and Email is (say) a str subclass (or a
>> dataclass with just a str member or whatever) that knows to render to and
>> from type:string, format:email instead of just type:string doesn’t change
>> the fact that they’re all perfectly good Python types and can all be used
>> as type annotations and can all be mapped to a JSON Schema. How does it
>> know that? Lots of things would work. Which one you use would be up to your
>> JSON Schema-driven serialization library, or to your
>> Python-code-from-JSON-Schema generator tool or your static Schema-from-code
>> generator tool or.whatever. Maybe if we have multiple such libraries in
>> wide use fighting it out, one of them will win. But even if there’s never a
>> category killer, any of them will work fine for the applications that use
>> it.
>> And of course often just using str for email addresses is fine. There’s a
>> reason the Formats section of the JSON Schema spec is optional and
>> explicitly calls out that many implementations don’t include it. And in
>> some applications it would make more sense to break an email address down
>> into two parts (user and host) and store a dict of those two values
>> instead, and that’s also fine. Would it better serve the needs of the
>> semantic web if the email format were a mandatory rather than optional part
>> of the spec and everyone were required by law to always use it when storing
>> email addresses? Maybe. But neither of those things are true.
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