On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 09:21:05PM -0700, Andrew Barnert via Python-ideas wrote:

> But I don’t see why that rules out the “bare colon” form that I and 
> someone else apparently both proposed in separate sub threads of this 
> thread:
>     { :a, "b": x, :c }
> as shorthand for:
>     { "a": a, "b": x, "c": c }

I did a double-take reading that, because I visually parsed it as:

    { :a, 
      x, :c 

and couldn't work out what was going on.

After saving this draft, closing the email, then reopening it, I read 
the proposed dict the same way. So I don't think it was just a momentary 

I think that, as little as I like the original proposal and am not 
really convinced it is necessary, I think that it is better to have the 
explicit token (the key/parameter name) on the left, and the implicit 
token (blank) on the right:


I suspect it may be because we read left-to-right in English and Python, 
so having the implicit blank come first is mentally like running into a 
pothole at high speed :-)

Perhaps those who read right-to-left languages may have fewer problems 
with it. Or maybe it's just me.

> There’s no problem for the parser. Make a trivial change to the 
> grammar to add a `":" identifier` alternative to dict display items, 
> and nothing becomes ambiguous.

Except to the human reader, which is the only ambiguity that *really* 
matter when you get down to it. If human readers are going to parse it 
differently from your intention, as I did, then this is going to hurt 
readability far in excess of the benefit in saving a few characters 

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